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First steps into my music...

"Why did I decide to write in this digital space, and why about my music? Well, I thought that no matter how boring my story might be to someone, it could also be genuinely inspiring. Who knows? You might realize that we have a lot of things in common, and some of my songs, in some way, were written for you because, in that moment, I felt what you're feeling now."

"Where am I today?

"I find myself seated at my desk in my little flat in London, pondering over what I truly want to share in this blog. I've always had a passion for writing, and now, after eight years spent in the UK, I finally feel confident enough to embark on the journey of creating my first blog in the 'local' language.

This initial post is simply a greeting, an invitation for you to participate and join me on this narrative adventure encompassing life, music, poetry, people, places, and love.

To kick things off, I'd like to share a song that holds a special place in my heart. It's called "Saltimbanco," and I'm sure it's the song that better describes my life, especially the last eight years since I moved to the UK.

The song was written during a wonderful time I spent in Sicily, where I worked in 2012-13. I officially left my hometown, Turin, around 2009, and since then, my life has been an unstoppable 'transformational' journey that eventually brought me to the United Kingdom. During these really challenging years, this country embraced me and gave me the opportunity to keep cultivating my artistic and academic passions, and I'm really grateful to all the fantastic people I met along this exciting adventure.

I really hope you will enjoy stopping by here from time to time and exchanging thoughts and stories with me :-)"

SALTIMBANCO (Paolo Coruzzi) Chiudi stretti gli occhi mentre guardi in alto, c'è un sole che ti abbaglia e brucia sull'asfalto. Raccogli i tuoi vestiti e stammi un po' a sentire, voglio parlarti ancora e tu mi puoi capire, quindi ti potrò spiegare perché tutti dicono che sono un saltimbanco sull'aria, e vivo aggrappato a una nuvola, ma la mia strada è immaginaria, straordinaria come il sogno di un isola. Indossa le tue scarpe così mi puoi seguire. Riempi la tua valigia che è tempo di partire. La strada è ancora lunga e prima di arrivare ci guarderemo intorno, e ti dovrai fidare anche se quei tristi intorno provano a ripetere… …e adesso prova a imitare quel che ti farò vedere comprenderai perché sono…



Close your eyes tightly

while you look up high,

there's a blinding sun

burning on the asphalt.

Gather your clothes and

stay here for a while,

I want to talk to you again,

and you can understand me,

so I can explain to you why everyone says

that I'm an acrobat in the air,

and I live clinging to a cloud,

but my path is imaginary,

extraordinary like the dream of an island.

Put on your shoes

so you can follow me.

Pack your suitcase

because it's time to leave.

The road is still long,

and before we get there,

we'll look around, and

you'll have to trust me,

even if those sad ones

around try to repeat... (chorus)

...and now try to imitate

what I'm going to show you,

you'll understand why I am...(chorus)

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